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Dear Friends,

Please help us, help them!


The International Crusade of the Penny invites you to help benefit handicapped children and adults through out charity. Not only the handicapped but also help us so that we can help the less fortunate, the homeless and all those that need assitance in their lives.With your support, we can all make a difference and enrich the challenging lives of deserving people all around the world.

It's simple, all you have to do is make a small donation and your name and "Spirit our Organization will provide food or clothing for the less fortunate.

The less fortunate and the homeless population includes families and individuals of every race, all ages. They're normally wrongly judged as panhandlers, alcoholics, etc. asking for money. On the contrary the less fortunate and the homeless population consists of working families, run aways, seniors, mentally ill, US Veterans.

Some live in parks, some with tents, others, in cars, bridges, families or individuals in motel from motel, others in homeless shelters and some will not even want to be seen nor heard. Some have lost their homes, employment, and have no options, or no families.

The International Crusade of the Penny takes care of all ages, somoe over the 80's. Please, please, help us, so that we can help them be part of this noble effort. Your support is greatly appreciated.

The Principal objective with the handicap is that the International Crusade of the Pennyis to aid those children that are physically disabled whose Parents are economically unable to seek medical assistance and/or attention.


Our main purpose it to ease the pain and to bring happiness and peace to these children and the International Crusade is asking for a small donations or donate all your pennies to us.


The Organization is organizing local different social antistic events in order to collect funds to help our cause. Any help, as small as it might be will always be welcome. We're positive that in the near future and with the help of all of yu, we'll have our own facilities to operate and serve our cause in a better way.

Remember that with your donations that you lovingly give will help alleviate someone's pain.


The less fortunate and the homeless population includes families and individuals representing every race, age group and community in Orange County. The homeless are often wrongly portrayed as panhandlers asking for money. On the contrary, the Orange County homeless population consists of working families, individuals, run away children, seniors, mentally ill, and U.S. Veterans. Many live in cars, parks, under bridges, motels and in homeless shelters trying to maintain their dignity while they struggle to survive. As a result, most homeless remain hidden.


Please donate to our cause.


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