International Crusade of the Penny
Advocates to the severely handicap,
to the homeless and to the less fortunate.
Matthew 25:31-46 We are called to feed the hungry


The following Medical Professionals, Leaders, Business Professionals, Individuals in the Community, deserve to be Recognized, Mentioned, Honored for their Professionalism, their passion of wanting to care in assisting the handicap, and the less fortunate. With honor the International Crusade of the Penny presents the following to you.
The International Crusade of the Penny knows and has experienced how hard it is to find a Dentist, a Doctor wanting to care for the handicap. The numbers are very limited where even the International Crusade of the P{enny has experienced the refusal of a handicap not wanting them as their patient. How can they have the option to refuse? We're totally baffled and confused of their outcome and get away with it.
The International Crusade of the Penny, recognizes and highly recommends the Medical Professinals below as a "Blessing" for the children that are handicap. They're always there to assist them, they're compassionate, and have a passion and ferver for their "Gift". Please Support them by recommending them to anyone that are handicap.
The Organization knows of how hard it is for families to find a Doctor, a Dentist that are willing to see, and treat a handicap patient. It has also experienced even that a local Dentist refused to treat a patient. How they get away with it, who knows !!! It's sad:( And how Insurances close their eyes and continous having a Professional on board is baffleing.
Dr. Manuzza Khan, (Internal Medicine) has no problem treating handicap.
Dr. John Van, (Dentist)has no problem treating the handicap.
They're located in Southern Orange County, Ca. SE HABLA ESPANOL!!

Dr. Manuzza Khan
Internal Medecine
Dr. Manuzza Khan is Excellent and very compessionate with patients that are handicap. She's like an "Angel"!
275 Victoria St
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(Board Certified)
TELEPHONE NUMBER: (949) 574-3615
John Van D.D.S.
Dr. John Van Dentist located in the City of Garden Grove really cares for the handicap and their rights. Do not hesitate to call him. He's Excellent as a Professional and a Super Human Being. (714)534-1434
Primary Specialty·Dentistry
Primary Office
12555 Garden Grove Blvd #308
Garden Grove, CA 92843